The Ambitious Entrepreneur’s Cure to Shiny Object Syndrome

Do you have entrepreneurial "shiny object syndrome"? Do you chase ideas, pivot your business, and fall down rabbit holes whenever you come across a new intriguing business concept? Have you seen this slow your business growth? Today, I want to give you a thought framework for filtering out the noise and focusing on what's best for YOUR business (no one else's).

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Why YNAB is the BEST Budget Tool for Business Owners

YNAB stands for You Need a Budget and is the ONLY budgeting app that I recommend for business owners for so many reasons! In this post, I’m going to break down exactly what it is that makes YNAB so special and why it’s worth a look. And while this is a personal finance app first, I want to show you why I believe this is such an incredible tool for business finances, too!

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